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Stara Planina, Babin Zub, Serbia  mountain hotel and villas architectural design

Stara Planina, Babin Zub, Serbia

mountain hotel and villas

on the location we notice significant movement of the terrain, big height differences on the opposite points (1156m-1310m altitude)  as well as stretching around the entire streak. presence of the ski trail and projected roads additionally determine location of the premises and entire infrastructure on a long area, north of the roads.

main vehicle road through the location is fixed by urban plan of this area by creating one long transport route..

by introducing transport route of the lower range (one way direction) we create the possibility to make a group of four typical premises-villa with complete additional urban content (parking space, commercial activities, pedestrians communications, ski trails…). on this part of location it is not anticipated to have any holding ups of the pedestrians in this open space…everything is also regulated  in regards to creating road for food delivery vehicles, vehicles for delivering heating fuel and clean linen, as well as for emergency vehicles and fire engine vehicle, etc.

on the upper part of location there are two typical premises- villa with modified function for the common rooms on the first floor and on the attic. In this area it is planned to position the hotel as the final destination on the location…the space around these three premises is rounded up by urban whole with larger  common horizontal surface that would be used for organizing and performing various events during summer  and winter.

below this horizontal surface there is underground garage with significant number of parking spaces, regulated with circular vehicle trails for movement, as well containing commercial activities ( national restaurant, café-bar,  repair shops for ski equipment, souvenir shops…). the advantage of this sort of in solving urban problems on this part of location is creating circular vehicle movement (commercial and sanitary), since according to the urban project this main transport route is planned to become a dead end street…

pedestrians movement: It is understandable that during the winter tourist season accent is on ski trails since all the activities are focused there, but due to specific nature of this project task and space usage, main pedestrians communications are showed on the north of the premise. movement of the pedestrians is upstaged by creating a mole which has a role of protecting premise from the snow avalanches during the winter period. upper height points of the mole are on different height levels in regards to the terrain and in some points in the same level as the ground. also there is a direct trail for pedestrians from the mole to the terrain with the help of dissensions and stairs. with this we provide secondary pedestrians communications.

building secondary pedestrians communications is planned for a second phase of complex building. during this phase it is also planned  to put on massive solar boards and building infrastructure necessary for energy distribution provided in such a way. since the loss of the energy during its distribution is not insignificant, we had an idea on how to use this loss energy in the following way: energy distribution would be made through heat pipes, which go through the ground and would be placed below secondary pedestrians communications. these communications would be specked with small pebbles which would serve as a drainage for the water and melted snow through the ground. In this way we would provide normal usage of the trails during the whole year.  

the shape and position of the trails would be determined during the space exploitation (not in winter), after first phase of building is done, it would be possible to make free passage for the pedestrians.  In this way we would get optimal length of secondary communications.

drainage:  due to huge snow deposits on the north side of the mole, it is necessary to build drainage system for the melted snow to go through the ground. on the high altitudes, nature shows it’s real face and its full force during spring time when the snow melts, creating water flows. In order to maximize energy usage which is created by nature, we had an idea and we are suggesting to polarize these flows by drainage through the ground, on two or three points in the lower areas of the location which would be under ground. on these points, generators of the electric energy would be set so that they would make much needed, supplement for the entire energy consumption for this area. used water would be saved in special water basins and would be used for creating artificial snow as well as industrial water...

tourist offer: during the winter months, besides ski activities, it would be good to create ski doo drives on the trails location and outside of it. parking for these vehicles and snowboards is planned for the lower levels of the watch towers. the watch towers have a direct physical contact with the villas. It is planned to build docks for snowboards, organizing various competitive disciplines, etc. during warm months, location has the possibility for organizing health resort tourism due to good climate and clean nature. then on the mere location it is possible to organize various sports competitions, sports preparations for the athletes, holiday and rehabilitations sites, etc...

accommodation facilities: approach in handling premises functioning is clear and strictly set also for the typical objects like-villas and on the hotel. so, all facilities have common rooms in the ground floor and on the last floor while the three floors between are planned for apartments. one facility of the villa offers smaller number of apartments in regards to the hotel, but with bigger space and luxury. villas are planned to accommodate elderly persons, as well as families and the persons which require higher accommodation standard (privacy, silence, saunas...). it is also planned to accommodate in these villas, persons with certain needs. the exception are two other facilities-villas on the upper part of the location, where luxury accommodation for the younger generation is planned. we emphasize that the common rooms differ in regards to the space as well activities they provide...interior of these facilities is optimally satisfying the function and visually contributes to the attraction of the entire offer...

general idea-principle: we would like to mention that this site is planned to be a sort of experiment in which we would try to test some ideas and in certain parts would cross the line of convential opinion. also, we wanted to use potential nature energy in this location to the maximum.  all forms of alternative energy formation which are presented here are just an idea. however, it is necessary to make additional research and evaluate, above all, expenditures for building such systems.

start up data in building the location “Konjarnik” were: characteristics of wide and near surroundings, potentials and short comings of the location, requirements set by investor and the idea they had about building this facility which would initially solve various and complex ownership issues. this idea seemed in the beginning as a big obstacle but soon afterwards we have been able to see location “Konjarnik” as a situation twist like a real and positive outcome... offered solution is now adjustable to various real situations for investing and building and for further exploitation. also, this kind of solving location functioning entirely fits my basic idea and wish, which is to achieve multivalent architecture. we have tried to make the entire architecture, multifunctional, i.e. multivalent. so for example, one mole can serve as pedestrians trails or bike trails. also, it can be a snow protector or a space for storing installations or showing sculptures in the space... shapes on the objects are in constant conflict and interlace, which creates a whole, but also a contrast. as a result we have achieved one architecture which is harmonic, but also playful, easy to be remembered and unassuming, in chord with nature which doesn’t fit natural forms...

visual effect: starting from the fact that keeping observers in open space in the mountain surroundings for a short period of time, would be futile if they couldn’t notice architecture with many details and elements.  on contrary, we was aspiring towards the architecture which shows basic lines of shapes as well as to the architecture which has good proportional relations. also, it was necessary to fit facilities into the mountain surroundings for which we know has two faces: in winter, when its covered with snow and in summer when nature is blooming. that is why we wanted these playful shapes in the exterior to affect the observer and help them in overcoming various height altitudes.

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